
Sarah Palin Poetry Slam of the Day

Reality Based Steve2/05/2015 6:27:36 pm PST

re: #46 Belafon

On the topic of remembering events, this is interesting: You Have No Idea What Happened:

They had a nice piece on this the other night on NPR. It seems that memorys are very labile, and each time you pull up a memory, there is a very real chance that it gets changed slightly. Over time it can completely change. It also went into how easy it was to create a false memory in small children, and how they will fill in all the blanks and elaborate on it.

The thing is, those people are aren’t “Lying” in when they relate those memories. At least not in the sense that they are using a falsehood to deceive someone. I would imagine a person would absolutely pass a polygraph test, since they are relating it exactly as the remember it….

Interesting stuff, as I recall.