
North Carolina Pastors Raise "Christian Flag" Above US Flag

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/06/2015 11:16:55 am PDT

re: #48 Dr Lizardo

It’s ridiculous. I know there Japanese who deny the atrocities of Unit 731 and there are Germans who deny the Holocaust. They are, however, the fringe - and they certainly don’t have holidays to commemorate the defeat of their appalling ideologies.

I highly doubt anyone is going to erect any statues of Shiro Ishii or Reinhard Heydrich anytime soon.

They have convinced themselves that their cause was not only noble but superior to the Union’s. I think Tardis actually made a good point a few weeks ago when he said that these people shit on those of us who had relatives who fought for the Union during the war. I know that’s how I feel when I see the CSA cause sugarcoated with bs and its generals made out to be holy men fighting a just but ultimately doomed cause.