
Colbert Interviews Amb. Susan Rice (2 Parts): Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Benefit the Most From Four More Years of Trump

Teddy's Person8/18/2020 11:47:15 am PDT

re: #53 Decatur Deb

That’s smart, serious guard dog behavior. Great Pyrs don’t wear themselves out chasing wolves and bears. They disguise themselves as sleeping sheep, and let the wolves come to them. Then they kill them.

Teddy doesn’t have much of a killer instinct. We walk with a friend who has two dogs - Edie and Austen. Edie and Austen are always on the the lookout for squirrels, rabbits and other critters. A couple of weeks ago Austen got hold of a mole.

Teddy, on the other hand, is like the kid on the soccer team who’s on the field picking dandelions.