
Seth Meyers: Mitch McConnell Shamelessly Says "The Era of Bipartisanship Is Over"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/10/2021 9:18:13 pm PDT

Trump is reportedly crashing memorial services, living large ‘like Napoleon at Elba’ (Yahoo!)

Yes, people are having memorial services for deceased family members at Mar-a-Grifto.

“As Comic-Con does for actors past their prime, South Florida offers hardcore Trump fans a way to indulge their nostalgia and fawn over their favorite characters from the extended Trump Universe,” Green reports. And Trump himself is constantly “bathed in adulation. When he enters the dining room, people stand and applaud. When he returns from golf, he’s met with squeals and selfie requests. When he leaves Mar-a-Lago, he often encounters flag-waving throngs.”

Inside Mar-a-Lago, Trump will “show up for anything,” Green adds. “In recent weeks, Trump has popped into engagement parties and memorial services. A Mar-a-Lago member who recently attended a club gathering for a deceased friend was surprised when Trump sauntered in to deliver remarks and then hung around, apparently enjoying himself.”
