
Colbert: Trump's Bull**** Rally | "I Don't Care About You. I Just Want Your Vote" | MTG: Trump Is Like Jesus

Dangerman6/11/2024 11:48:42 am PDT

re: #31 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Yes. Really.

How about we stop allowing companies to lie to consumers? Not only lie but charge premium prices on top of the lies - that are based on the lies?

I’m 100% with her.

Almost all the cold stone flavors are 99% “ice cream”, less than 1% flavoring
And that’s to start

There are no vanilla beans in their vanilla bean ice cream
No pink lemonade or lemons in their pink lemonade sorbet
No alcohol in their mojito sorbet
No orange in their orang e sorbet
There is alcohol in their rum raisin
There is lemon pulp in their lemon sorbet
Interestingly pistachio pudding ice cream has pistachios and almonds but at 1% I wonder how big the chunks are, if at all

Is this dishonest? I don’t know

I’m not defending the company.

I understood cold stone was about the “add in” experience. Make your own etc.

I think the lawsuit is trump level.
She got a disappointing cone. Not to her expectations.
Move on.