
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Tommy Emmanuel: "Sanitarium Shuffle" (from Endless Road)

sizzzzlerz6/23/2024 7:20:41 pm PDT

re: #51 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

So-called sovereign citizens also believe they do not require a driver’s license to drive on public roads.

It’s sort of an announcement to a police officer that if you pull him over, he won’t comply with the officer’s request to see a license and insurance (which he wouldn’t have either).

Those sorts of confrontations either end up in shoot-outs or the sov-cit being dragged out of the car and hauled off to jail.

There are literally hundreds of youtube videos on just this scenario. A cop pulls a car over for some traffic violation. When asked for his license, the driver says he doesn’t have one nor does he have registration papers nor insurance. He also insists that he was “traveling”, not “driving” which has some commercial/business meaning, supposedly. When asked to exit the car, he refuses. The cop asking multiple times and is refused for each. Finally, the guy’s window get broken and the idiot is dragged from his car and placed in handcuffs. Every damn time. Yet these socalled SovCits continue to insist they are exempt from the state laws. Wrong, Sparky.