
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Zimriel5/12/2009 9:11:02 am PDT

re: #41 fish

There it is again, the general assumption that Jew hatred is a right wing belief. For the record: It was the National Socialists that committed the Holocaust. Hatred of Jews has been and always will be a predominantly Left Wing Opinion. Yes there are right wing lunatics that hate Jews also but on the right it is a fringe group, on the left it is nearly a core belief. The biggest example of this is the left wing belief that the Republican party is run by “neo Cons” who they maintain are almost all Jewish.

Not “always been”. Envy of the nouveau riche and of “trade” was long a central plank of Tory-dom. It’s a fringe idea on the American Right, now, but that’s thanks to post 1950s Evangelicals and not to the old-school WASPs and Lutherans who were gung-ho for Lindbergh in the 1930s.