
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

DaddyG10/20/2009 11:21:27 am PDT

Trenre: #28 mrbaracuda

Lizards! Evening from Germany.
I have a question: Are Democrats usually less religious than Republicans and are there less creationists / intelligent design people among them? This is what I was wondering the other day. Thank you.

Data from the PEW center suggests this is the case:
More Seculars among Democrats and Independents*
1987 1997 2006-07 87-07 Change
Total 8 9 12 +4
Republican 6 5 5 -1
Democrat 7 8 11 +4
Independent 9 14 17 +8

*Percent atheist, agnostic, or no religion.

Page 30 of this .pdf file have the results on Religion.

Most Americans regardless of party show a religious belief but those numbers are declining with each generation.

Republicans are more likely to identify with a religious tradition especially among Southern Evangelicals and Catholics.