
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

Sharmuta11/01/2009 10:43:13 pm PST

re: #30 freetoken

That’s sounds a lot like the european populist strategy of the crypto-fascist parties, and their demonization of moderate right parties in europe. Fascists need a wedge where they can muscle for space and push the moderates out of the way. While parliamentary european governments allow for these parties to get some representation, they usually don’t gain majorities.

In the American style of governance, however, this sort of radicalization of one party is much more problematic in that we need both parties to have moderation and the ability to compromise. With this nativist mainstreaming, the moderates have no choice but to turn to the opposition, or this may be the dawn of a viable third party, or the GOP is on it’s way to a Mondale styled butt whoopin’- we’ll see.

However, we must not forget where the nativist have been taking lessons- those I see around the blogosphere complaining about LGF and fascists and racists and this “what happened at LGF?” crap- many of them also mention how they never paid attention to the vlaams belang issue.

That sure explains why they can’t figure out what the hell is going on.