
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

Dark_Falcon4/21/2011 9:28:30 pm PDT

re: #46 Surabaya Stew

The anti-obesity campaign when he was Gov (and his how-to book on how to stop eating too much) is the one positive thing about the Huck that nobody can every take away, no matter what number of stupid ideas and opinions the man holds. I agree with practically nothing else the man stands for, but I respect him for promoting anti-obesity very much. And Beck goes after him just because the First Lady is thinking along similar lines?

What an utter Jerk!

Glenn Beck is of the opinion that whatever Barack or Michelle Obama proposes must be rejected as the product of Progressivism. What it really amounts to is that Beck sees the Obamas as devil figures and he and his followers are the Party of God. It’s literally a black and white view of the world.