
Video: Romney Insists He Was Right About Allowing the Auto Industry to Go Bankrupt

funky chicken6/14/2011 12:27:29 pm PDT

re: #49 mr.fusion

Nah, TARP still pisses me off because the banks took their huge bailouts and still refuse to behave like companies in trouble, meaning they are still paying their executives ridiculous salaries, still refusing to modify home mortgages based upon realisitic appraisals of what the properties are really worth, still flying their private jets around and acting like damn kings, etc.

I have seen homes foreclosed upon, taken away from people who got screwed by the banks but would have kept paying mortgages based on current property values….bank kicks the current owner out, lets home sit empty and drag down neighborhood, lists house a year later, and sells it for LESS that the forclosed upon person tried to refi for….many times in the Las Vegas area. And all the while they take their bailout money and keep the good times rolling for their executives…

None of that is Obama’s fault, mind you. TARP was a Bush/Paulson/Goldmann Sachs invention.