
Government Accountability Office Finds No Evidence to Support Breitbart and O'Keefe's Attack on ACORN

Hal_100006/16/2011 7:53:32 pm PDT
Allegations were raised because of these videos and then found to be bogus, forever staining the name of ACORN and all the good work they did. But you’d rather defend AB.

Read my correction to my comment. There was “not” I left out. The voter registration fraud was a separate issue from the videos. It had to do with all these voter registrations turned in with ridiculous names like the roster of the Dallas Cowboys. That wasn’t really a Breitbart thing. And it was the more serious allegation. There are people out there who insist ACORN stole he 2006 and 2008 elections.

I’m not going to defend AB at all. I’m a conservative and AB drives me nucking futs. He gets attention going after conservative bette noires while the real investigative heroes out there go unmentioned. Even if we imagine a Bizzarroworld where everything he ever said were true (no laughing please) he would not have done nearly as much as good as, say, the LA Times exposing Bell California’s corruption. Or any of a dozen organizations out there fighting real corruption and scandal.

His popularity in certain circles in a barometer on their sanity (or lack thereof).