
Shock: Romney Press Secretary Praises Universal Health Care

Killgore Trout8/08/2012 11:24:27 am PDT

re: #26 lawhawk

I wont give it long before someone else from Romney’s camp distances themselves from these comments and/or throws Saul under the bus. Heads will roll. Count on it.

It might be a strategy shift.
Romney moves to embrace ‘Romneycare’

Twice today, Mitt Romney’s campaign has cited the health care bill he signed as Massachusetts governor — seeking credit for something it took pains to explain away during the Republican primary race.

Still, some say Romney may be wise to address the issue and suggest conservatives will turn out no matter what.

“It is a bit of a risk, but it would help blunt the ‘Romney wants to take away your health care’ argument,” said independent pollster Brad Coker. “I have a notion that the ‘conservatives are not going to show up’ is a canard. They might not love Romney, but they hate Obama more.”

Romney has generally distanced himself from his health care bill, noting that a Democratic-controlled state legislature made changes that he didn’t necessarily agree with. He has also made a federalist argument, saying that states should be entitled to make such changes, but that Washington shouldn’t institute a national bill.

It remains to be seen whether this was a calculated pivot by the Romney campaign or just some wayward messaging. The campaign has not yet responded to a follow-up question.