
Romney/Ryan: Campaign of the Big Lie

darthstar8/18/2012 4:02:33 pm PDT

In other news, I went to the club today for the Masters Lite swim class - I’m not a strong enough swimmer yet for the 3000-4000 yard hour the masters do. I’m happy at about a mile. Anyhoo, I stepped onto the scale when I was good and naked, and am pleased to report I’m officially under 240 lbs for the first time in years…238 motherfuckers! 220s are just around the corner. (my goal for ski season is to get to 220 or less - I was at 262 in March. Dropped a quick 20lbs, but then got stuck at 242-243 for most of the summer - in large part because I was miserable at HP and spent several afternoons a week drinking beer with my cohorts there who were also miserable.

But I also did the cabbage soup diet this week, which is a good jump-starter for losing weight.