
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

Reggie Dunlop1/05/2010 9:20:30 am PST

All I’m saying is it’s a possibility… Of course it’s possible either way (real or not), however, if it were real, wouldn’t the MSM (which is severely in the tank for the administration) pick up on this and maximize it? And yet, the link you provide is the Independent and not the Old Gray Lady. It just goes to show people color facts with their own perceptions.

And only three people have expressed doubts in this thread? Wow, it must be a ridiculous assertion! Very scientific. However, a google search for Mr. Robertson’s name hardly brings up the bulwarks of journalistic scrutiny. Either way it pisses me off because it changes the conversation from raising the debt ceiling, trashing the constitution and playing softball from our enemies to are people who disagree with the President racist?