
Zimmerman Verdict: Not Guilty

The Ghost of a Flea7/13/2013 10:37:36 pm PDT

re: #534 HappyWarrior

I think this is what angers me most about Zimmerman’s side. They want to do everything possible to make Martin out to be some terrible kid and rationalize George Zimmerman killing him anyway possible. I think the verdict wouldn’t bother me so much if they had expressed some sympathy to Martin’s family but no they keep on doing this kind of shit.

Another thing is not just making me insane, but making me worry about the future of this country: the number of people who can develop these long-chain justifications for why victimized people deserve to be victimized. Case in point…it can’t be that Zimmerman screwed up, or that Trayvon’s death was tragic, but that Trayvon Martin deserved to be killed, at that instant.

It’s a callback to the Baddest Old Days of Racism, and it’s freaky that there’s so many people—and so many people with political influence—are getting comfortable with this narrative that Some People Have To Die.