
Sunday Night Jam: Joe Bonamassa, "Hummingbird" Live at the Greek Theatre

BeachDem11/07/2016 8:49:34 am PST

OK—I’m just going to come out with it.

I’m not buying any of the “economic fears” and “job insecurity” and “conservative values” bullshit coming out of any Republican’s mouth.

Anyone who is voting for Trump is either stupid or hateful or both. There is no rational explanation for voting for the repulsive cretin. They can wrap their ugliness in any pretty paper they want—it just doesn’t wash.

I am sick to death of hearing the rationalizations and bids for empathy and understanding. Anyone who is voting for Trump is either stupid or hateful or both.

Period. Paragraph.

Your mileage may vary, but I’m done with giving them any benefit of any doubt.