
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

nyc redneck3/01/2009 6:18:46 pm PST

i’m not going to buy into man made global warming.
this newly created phenomenon that is being pushed by people like algore as an
immediate major threat to our existence is ridiculous. it’s hysteria,
just a few decades ago, the big fear was global cooling. literally we were told we would be freezing to death in the coming yrs.
i see the whole thing as a means to to frighten and control people.
the earth has cooled and warmed for 5 billion yrs.
and now in the last 15 it is of imminent concern to the extent that we must bankrupt our economy.
i call bull shit on that. because of the timing and the nature of the power grab and the money involved going to make the adherents to the idea very wealthy people.