
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Scottish Dragon10/02/2009 7:49:01 pm PDT

Since when is Guilford “upscale?” Washington & Lee, maybe. But Guilford? Please.

Well, they sure try to price it that way, heh!

Point taken though. Substitute “Exceedingly Birkenstock pacifist Quaker liberal” for “upscale” and you will be about right. I get a kick out of it all the same :)

It’s still a fairly pricey little school (I get a substantial break for being a CCE adult student), however it is the only one in the area offering my major.

My wife is a student there also, and she overheard one of her classmates relating that daddy had put 100 grand in her account to get her by for the semester.

I hope that was just exaggeration.