
More Than a Quarter of Republicans Believe Anti-Govt Violence Can Be Justified

Tigger20051/11/2011 9:38:22 pm PST

So I did a long post on Facebook about how sick I was of violent, irrational right-wing rhetoric and how I was done with the Republican Party until they found the guts to put a stop to it. Here’s my older brother’s reply. Mind you, this guy would strike you as (and for the most part, he is) very sane and laid back. He’s definitely no Creationist or anything like that, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any real issue with legal abortion, etc. …

There is so much wrong with your rant, I dont have the time. No self reflection is due because the right or Tea Party movement had nothing to do with this. The guy was a nut job pure and simple. If his political views had anything to do with it, which they don’t, they were left of center. So, right wingers are also responsible for left wing crazies? How does that work? Palin and the Conservative talkers you mention are no more responsible for this guy than Ed Schultz, Keith Olberrmann or Rachel Maddow. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, JFK and RFK were all assasinated before the advent of the internet and conservative talk radio. If you cant debate the issues exploit and spin every crisis. Or as Rahm Emanuel famously said, Never let a good crisis go to waste.