
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

Creeping Eruption2/09/2009 8:19:38 am PST

re: #503 Rancher

Mexico has turned into a huge narco-terrorist state that shows no sign of improving. Drug money has corrupted the legal system much like alcohol prohibition corrupted Chicago and other cities in the twenties and thirties. Hand in hand with this is the gang problem in the US which finances and recruits using drug traffic profits. Chicago has again become more dangerous than most other cities in the world because of this. We need to legalize some drugs in this country and I believe once things get much worse we will.

I was having that discussion with my wife this morning (re drugs) I live in Wisconsin where it is common to see people on the news with their 5-12th DUI. It makes me sick. It is usually followed up (as this morning) with a news piece about a father and son killed in a head-on collision with a …you guessed it: Drunk driver. One of the reasons the laws are so weak here is because of the WI tavern league lobby but also politicians bitching about the cost. Well, if they stopped busting people for pot, locking them up and throwing away the cell, we would have more time, money and space to lock up these serial drunks who are a true menace.

-Rant off.