
Tea Party Logo: Lifted From Communist Designs

promdate9/14/2009 2:15:15 pm PDT

Sorry I just don’t agree with you on this one Charles. I am not a fan of glenn beck. I cringe when I hear him speak. I can even agree with some of what he has to say sometimes, but the way he delivers it is grating.
I count on guys like you who have a more level head and temperament for solid opinion. But to say that the fists are lifted from communist imagery/logo is a pretty big leap. I saw you mention that its the exact same red.. but its not like the commy’s have a lock on the color do they? In fact i think the general feel of the logo has the red/white/blue of the good ol USA.. no?
I think you have a lot of opportunity to go after beck for many different reasons. This just makes you look petty. I know you don’t like him.. but try to take the higher ground will ya?
Still a fan.