
Video: Buchanan Advocates Torture for NW 253 Suspect

Vicious Babushka12/29/2009 1:55:26 pm PST

re: #481 recusancy

Settlements. But that’s a topic for another time. It just gets annoying that every nation can be criticized including our own, as it should be at times, but if I disagree with anything Israel does I’m a possible anti-semite. Like the what Hanna Rosenthal has to put up with. She doesn’t follow AIPAC’s line to a T so she gets pummeled.

And I did click on those links. They’re pretty fucked up. I’ve just read him a few times when linked to from someone else. If you have any info about Larison other then who he links to that would be appreciated.

Hanna Rosenthal is much worse than “following AIPAC’s line to a T.” She is following J Street, an active anti-Israel agenda. They claim to be “pro-Israel” but this is pure bullshit. They are advocating Israel to give up and die by making suicidal concessions for nothing.