
Arizona Birther Bill is 'Set Aside'

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/29/2010 8:13:49 pm PDT

re: #521 Alouette

ADL calls “Godwin” on Arizona opponents.

Quoting your link…

According to ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman: “No matter how odious, bigoted, biased and unconstitutional Arizona’s new law may be, let’s be clear that there is no comparison between the situation facing immigrants, legal or illegal, in Arizona and what happened in the Holocaust. Let’s remember that the Nazi identity cards were part and parcel of a plan to force Jews into ghettos and for their ultimate deportation to extermination camps.”

To which I respond, that is true as far as it goes. Now take the words never again more seriously and look at the mechanisms for how these things start.

If you compare the speechification of the supporters of this bill to the points laid out clearly by Hitler in his 1927 Nuremburg adress, you will see that Hitler played on the exact same memes as the politicians in Az and teh thugs who support this have the same attitudes and fears as the early Nazis.

This is not something that any Jew should ever try to sweep under the rug. We are not yet in a nazi state. This is true. However, very real Nazis were behind this bill and helped to pen it. They were not in a nazi in some pejorative sense, but actual bona fide, love Hitler neo-nazis.

As Jews we owe it to our history and the respect of our dead to stand firmly against this evil before it can manifest to the level that you just quoted. What serves no purpose is to guard the suffering of our murdered relatives as some sort of “we suffered more trump card” in the face of concern over a very real and very rising evil.