
Orrin Hatch: Drug Tests for the Unemployed

iceweasel6/17/2010 6:05:04 pm PDT

re: #540 Gus 802

Wingnuts hate the poor even if they’re poor themselves.

They sure do. Maybe especially if.
Not quite sure how that works. Possibly the full flowering of internalising American Exceptionalism (wingnut version). Going something like this:

1. America is exceptional!
2. I’m an American and therefore exceptional!
3. Wait a minute, I don’t think all Americans are as equal as me— some of us are more exceptional than others. Some of those other so-called Americans don’t seem very American to me. Why, they even vote Democrat sometimes!
4. When other people are poor, that’s their bad choices and a just punishment. If I’m poor, well, that’s an exception to the rule for all the other poor people.

I can’t do it, it’s making my head hurt.