
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

NY Nana5/26/2009 11:57:43 am PDT

re: #540 ladycatnip

I agree. She has many detractors in the metro NYC area, who do it with good reason.

I don’t watch the local CBS station, but the article was online, and what really amazed me were the poll results so far. it is possible to skewer an on-line poll. I think, but I do not think this is the case here.

As a Jew, I have seen in my life so many candidates for office written off because they were Jews. Any appointment, be it a dog catcher or a Supreme Court seat should be done for only one reason: this individual is the best one for the position, and race and/or religion should not ever be even considered. Alas, it still is, and certain groups are given special consideration.

Once this is off the table, and merit is the criteria? We, as a nation, will have finally grown up, and be far better off.