
Tea Party Logo: Lifted From Communist Designs

TheObjectivist9/14/2009 2:30:30 pm PDT

Hello everyone, I hope you read this.

I find this anti Tea Party theme distressing. If your right to property is being taken away by degrees, when is it appropriate to respond with force? I cannot tell you for sure, but we are closer to it than we used to be.

If your response to me is “just vote in a libertarian” that is not an answer, because I do not recognize the right of the majority to take my money for purposes in which I have no say, and I cannot wait until some candidate understands this.

Is it possible that some Tea Party goers are racists, militia, radicals, etc.? Of course there are some, but, I attended a Tea Party in Ohio looking for just that, and found that the vast majority were middle and upper class taxpayers, well behaved and intelligent. There were a few “truthers” with big signs, and they were booed on several occasions.

Perhaps us Tea Partiers are just at the edge of a real rage, because govt has been increasing its grip on our throats since the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Obama is not the source of the problem, he is just the most recent and frightening version of it.

It really bothers me, this effort to discredit the most important attempt to regain our freedom I’ve seen in my lifetime. I think we would all prefer the Tea Parties to succeed, rather than the alternative.