
Bush at Welcome Home Rally

HoosierHoops1/20/2009 6:04:51 pm PST

re: #524 Walter Cronanty

Totally OT
Don’t know why I’m posting this, other than I’ve noticed that some have posted personal “situations” and, I guess, it’s a chance, after a couple of glasses of wine, to wallow in self-pity anonymously. A few months ago, I posted how proud I was of my youngest son who had graduated from college in 3 years while going through horrendous treatment for leukemia. I probably jinxed him.
On Christmas Eve, our worst fears were confirmed, the cancer had returned. He entered the Cleveland Clinic on Jan. 4th. After 4 days of full body radiation, he had 36 straight hours of chemo. Luckily, his bother was a match [a 1 in 4 chance, as I understand, but an excellent match] and he had a bone marrow transplant last Wednesday.
He is currently on a morphine drip [the Dr. said that years ago, the treatment was so bad they used to induce a coma like situation]. His immune system is completely destroyed - my wife, a nurse, says that a low-normal white count is around 4,000 - his is 10 - my wife also says that his white counts are so low that the lab techs are probably just making up the “10”]. I haven’t gone to the hospital to see him in a few days because I have a cold, and he and his mother are scared to death of any infection. So, I’m sitting home with the dog - my wife is at the hospital 24-7 - with about 10” of global warming on the ground.
Again, I have no idea why I’m posting this. I guess to have someone say: “oh, it’s alright, everything will be fine”, when I know that’s BS. Humans are strange, No?

Dear Walter..Thank you for posting tonight..The heart of the Lizard Nation goes out to you tonight…Many times from the deepest depths of darkness we cry out for light and reason.. There is little of either.. But you have friends and family that will give you support.. You have friends here that know what you are going through..
May God grant you peace tonight and strength to carry on…
kind regards
The Hoopster