
Palin Twitters: The Return of 'Death Panels'

The Sanity Inspector12/22/2009 7:01:26 pm PST

re: #518 windsagio

oh wait, it occurs that the vile part is the bit about the votes. Trust me, its endemic. We tell clients what to vote for all the time (if not in so many words).

No, you were right the first time. I don’t remember if you’re the lizardoid who works with at-risk youth. If so, I’ll gladly acknowledge your credentials and experience. But I meet my fair share of downies in my daily affairs, too. Most of them are in loving families, some in caring, well-run group homes. To leave a hanging insinuation that the Palins would institutionally ashcan their child once the spotlight’s off is, as I said, vile. You’re letting a political difference leach way outside the lines. But, it’s not unfamiliar: Libs, who howl when their patriotism is questioned, are often as quick or quicker to question the basic humanity of conservatives.