
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Aceofwhat?4/09/2010 8:42:18 am PDT

re: #538 robdouth

A little bit of outrageous outrage. It’s a legitimate complaint and not race code language if you watch any sports. Before almost every major sporting event they either have to kick it to an interview with Obama and get his picks or during the halftime during the final four, they have Clark Kellogg playing Horse with the President. It’s gets tiring to watch the networks fawn all over him.

Interview asking him about his superbowl picks (among some light politicking) before the superbowl. Both times showing and covering Obama’s picks in the brackets. It is a little pathetic, and proves Gingrich’s point. I’m getting a little sick of seeing Obama play sports also. We get that he’s an athlete, and plays hoops, but does he have to be involved with every major sport? Well I guess they haven’t done anything with him and hockey yet.

i totally disagree. at the very least, our health care system needs a fat politician telling an athletic politician to be less athletic like our health care system needs Joe the Camel visiting heart transplant wards. at the worst, the few politicians who actually have brains need to stop chucking them out of the window in order to appeal to the base.

either way, Newt sucks for this one. and I’ve found him quite erudite on other topics in the past, so this is doubly disappointing to me.