
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/21/2010 6:21:48 am PDT

re: #539 garhighway

Also, Rogue keeps focusing on the freedom of association, which has very little to do with businesses refusing to serve blacks, as the owners are unlikely to be present and forced to associate— unless his claim is not based in property rights at all, but in the freedom to associate of the employees, it’s completely irrelevant.

Rogue has an extremely minarchist view of the government, so this shouldn’t be a surprise. I admit being mildly surprised (and disappointed) by his febrile posting on this subject, because I thought he had more pragmatism in him.

In his defense, I don’t think there’s anything racist in his view. I think he’d also prefer to have no health inspectors, no building inspectors, etc. So I do not think there is any hint of this being about race, for Rogue.