
WaPo Blogger Jennifer Rubin Suddenly Notices That the Right Is Anti-Gay

Mich-again4/23/2012 10:26:34 am PDT

re: #521 Lukewarm Fusion

My take and I am open to other opinions is that the main and perhaps only reason we are still in Afghanistan is that there needs to be some form of stabling force to keep some semblance of law and order around long enough until the massive mining operations can be established in Afghanistan. Its not a secret that Afghanistan is a treasure trove of elements and scarce metals that the world desparately needs to maintain economic growth and to build a new renewable infrastructure.

The government there is racing to establish the contracts and mining rights for what looks to be a trillion! dollars worth of known reserves. Some might be upset that all those mining contracts are being granted to Chinese and Indian firms, but the fact is that when the mines begin operations, all of the world economy will benefit from the influx of new supplies.

Its naive to think we are still there just to secure freedom of the tribal people. They really don’t need us one way or the other, and and if we were really concerned with freedom and human rights there are dozens of other places we should be sending troops to right now instead of Afghanistan.

Its all about the mining operations. And in the big picture it really is a good cause. Not sure why this isn’t more well known.