
Family's Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at Least Six Times, Twice in the Head, Not at Close Range

danarchy8/18/2014 8:54:17 am PDT

I am probably going to get pilloried for this, but the whole this kid didn’t deserve to be killed for shoplifting or jaywalking thing kind of annoys the hell out of me. No he didn’t deserve to be killed for any reason, but if you think the cop at any point made a conscious decision to kill a kid for jaywalking you are as deluded as people who think Michael Brown was some sort of raving violent lunatic.

People who think it is inconceivable that a kid would get into an a physical altercation with a cop they day before he is supposed to start college seem to be perfectly willing to believe the cop summarily executed him for walking in the street. I believe the cop screwed up big time, I think he should be charged and tried for it. I also believe that there was some sort of altercation and the guys adrenaline got pumping and he freaked and made the worst decision of his life.