
Presidential Debate 2: The Wrap-Up

KGxvi10/10/2016 8:32:46 am PDT

There are two things that Trump said last night that I find utterly amazing.

The first being that he said he’d direct the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Clintons’ “situation” and that if he were in charge she’d be in prison. As others have said, that’s the way that dictators operate. Forget for a moment that the Clintons have more or less been under investigation for 25 years, and that other than Bill lying under oath in a civil trial, they haven’t been found liable for any of the allegations against them. Telling a political opponent “you’ll be in prison after I win” is flat out the most disqualifying thing any presidential political nominee for any office could possibly say in a liberal democracy.

The second is something that doesn’t seem to have gotten much traction yet (and with all the crazy, I can understand why). Trump ripped the Iran deal, calling them a state sponsor of terrorism, I believe. Then, less than twenty minutes later, he suggested that the way we approach the Syrian Civil War is by allying with Assad’s regime in Syria, Putin’s Russia, and… wait for it… Iran, to fight ISIS. His answer to a complicated war is to ally with dictators, one of whom he believes is a state sponsor of terrorism and still secretly trying to get nuclear weapons.

As I said last night, what in the actual utter fuck?