
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

Afrocity3/01/2009 6:21:37 pm PST

re: #537 Naso Tang

It is not matter of race. I thought you would have recognized that I meant that.

It is a matter of culture.

I have read enough of your posts to know that you know what I mean and I hope that you don’t think I mean disrespect to you, but the fact that you seem defensive when I state a fact of everyday life surprises me.

Again what is disrespectful about your question to me is that I can’t speak for the black race or culture. It sounds like you understand it more than I do since you implied that my life is sheltered and you obviously rent to suchj women. So why not “take it to the streets” and ask them or better yet for the sake of your real estate endeavors maybe you would want to hold off on that because if they became educated and married you might just lose your best tennants.