
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]12/23/2009 3:10:37 pm PST

re: #534 Walter L. Newton

First off, he never used the word “censor.” That’s simply his opinion as to what he considers art or acceptable art subjects.

That’s the whole purpose of art, to elicit response, positive, negative, enlightening or lame.

Or do you think art and artist are beyond criticism?

I never used the word censor. And of course, a purpose of art is to elicit response. And criticism. I think some responses are foolish, and childish and uninformed. All responses to art are not created equal. Some criticisms and some critics are silly and worthy only of mockery.

Like I’ve been saying, my problem is not that he criticizes the work. It’s that he says Warhol has “Warmed sensibilities” for daring to paint Mao. (and screen print Mao, etc)

If I look at a painting in a gallery, and then point at the artist and say “that guy’s crazy and immoral for painting that”, I would probably be ridiculed!