
Budgetocalypse Open Thread

Birth Control Works4/09/2011 5:57:38 am PDT

Statement from Planned Parenthood.

Statement from Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Regarding Budget Deal

“American women made their voices heard today, and Washington, DC, listened. A handful of members of Congress tried to use the debate over our nation’s deficit to pursue an extreme agenda that would cut millions of women off from Pap tests, breast exams and birth control — without reducing the deficit.

“It was an outrageous proposal, and it was rightly rejected today. Planned Parenthood applauds the members of Congress who stood up for women’s health and the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have lent their voices to stop this extreme proposal.

“The rejection of this proposal in the final budget deal is a victory for women’s health.

“However, we are deeply disappointed that the final budget deal includes a policy rider restricting the District of Columbia’s right to make its own decisions regarding how to spend local money just as the 50 states are allowed to do.

“This provision prohibits the District of Columbia from deciding whether to use locally raised revenue to help low-income women access medically necessary abortions. The District is already prohibited from spending federal dollars on abortion.

“It’s clear that the fight for women’s health will continue, and we will continue to work on behalf of the millions of American women who count on this critical care.”