
Barrett Brown Will Make Fun of Islam for Pageviews

lostlakehiker5/07/2010 6:50:29 pm PDT

re: #516

Kudos to you!

I suspect what’s going to happen (since I know someone else it happened to), before he graduates from college, someone will figure it out, and he will be required to get a GED. After he’s finished college and met all the college coursework requirements for college graduation. Seems a bit silly to me, but hey … what do I know?

Why? A college degree can perfectly well be awarded to someone who has no other formal schooling. The diploma states that the awardee has completed the requirements for the degree. That’s it.

There are people who show up from war zones and what not, having been informally home schooled but well schooled, who earn college degrees. Nobody has to go back and patch up a paper trail.