
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

palomino7/13/2012 11:48:11 am PDT

re: #529 Killgore Trout

That’s why accusing Mitt of Bain’s antics after he left in ‘99 is a faulty line of attack. It’s too easy for him to claim that it’s not his fault. You can claim that Bain is a shitty company and his name is on the tax form but the attacks are weakened by blaming him for decisions he didn’t personally make.

It’s not a faulty line of attack. Romney created Bain, it’s his company. Going to Utah to run the Olympics doesn’t change this fact. Nor does it make him immediately lacking in responsibility…he handpicked the people who ran the company upon his semi-departure. If you’re not responsible for decisions made by a company you created and staffed, then what the hell is any businessman responsible for?

The fact that he may not have personally made these decisions is only a partial defense. He’s still part of the mix…this isn’t some guilt by association because he once went to a party at someone’s house, or some other BS like that.