
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

itellu3times1/30/2009 9:29:50 pm PST

re: #538 Mich-again

Not so fast there. That there says that every part of the prevailing theory so far is true and all that is left is to keep plodding along to the answer. But in reality, sometimes you can get close to the very end of the maze but find yourself at a dead end and then realize you have to go back a bit and take a different turn. I think that is a better description of where we are at figuring out how evolution works.

Sure, OK, fine, I don’t want to argue over the metaphors. My own take is that we know too little, maybe some of that little is wrong, but the main problem is filling out the theory. After all, that’s pretty much how it went for the Newtonian to relativistic physics theory - the old one turned out to be a special case of the newer one. Nothing wrong, just incomplete. Probably too much to ask in general, I agree. Epicycles did NOT turn out to be a special case of heliocentric and gravitational orbits.