
LGF on Glenn Beck

Killgore Trout4/16/2009 4:40:59 pm PDT

This is encouraging…..

Founding Bloggers For A Better Tea Party (VIDEO)

When we covered the Democrat protests, we saw a lot of Bush-as-Hitler images and depictions, and they always made us cringe.

You know what? Even though they appear with far less frequency, Obama-as-Hitler images at the Tea Parties evoke the same cringe.

President Obama might be a socialist hell-bent on destroying our way of life, but as of yet there is no evidence that he is planning on executing the genetically inferior by the millions. Until there is a shred of genuine reason to believe that President Obama is on the path toward becoming a mass murderer, can we please leave the Hitler signs at home?

We here at Founding Bloggers are observer/supporters of the Tea Party movement - to that end, our hope is that Tea Partiers will not provide detractors with fodder and propaganda opportunities.

Watch the video.