
Bradley Manning Convicted of Multiple Counts of Espionage

Kragar7/30/2013 11:03:18 am PDT

Ted Cruz: ‘Why is President Obama threatening to shut down the federal government?’

“Under no circumstances will I support a continuing resolution that funds even one penny of Obamacare,” Cruz told The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. “In order to win this fight, we need to get 41 Republicans in the Senate to make the same commitment or we need 218 Republicans in the House.”

“The next step will be that President Obama and [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid will scream and yell, ‘Why are those mean and nasty Republicans threatening to shut down the government over Obamacare?’” he continued. “And at that point, we’ve actually got to stand up and fight.”

“We’ve got to stand up and make the argument and win the argument that, ‘No, that’s not true. We have voted to fund the federal government. We want to fund the federal government. Why is President Obama threatening to shut down the federal government? Because he wants force Obamacare down people’s throats.’”