
Rep. Paul Broun: Immigration Reform Is a Plot to Destroy America

Amory Blaine8/09/2013 6:47:35 pm PDT

I posted a month or so ago that Walker said he was open to abolishing the unions for police and fire fighters. Now it looks like Alberta Darling is preparing for the other shoe to drop.

Sen. Alberta Darling says state should review public employees retiring at 55

State Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) says she hopes police and firefighters around the state will be open to accepting the strict limits on collective bargaining that were imposed on other public workers by Act 10.

“I really am hoping fire and police will come into the fold,” Darling told a Mequon-Thiensville Chamber of Commerce forum this week, the News Graphic reported. “They realize their brothers and sisters will lose jobs unless they contribute.”

Darling also said, according to the article, that the state retirement system should be reviewed. “The idea of retirement at 55 for public employees is something we’re going to have to test — don’t you agree?” she said.

This tells me the wheels are already in motion. Why else should they be “open” to it?