
Right Wing Journalism Watch: House GOP Leader Pulls Column From Breitbart "News"

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸4/08/2014 5:23:56 pm PDT

Field Poll: Californians like Obama much more than rest of nation does

just the opportunity for a little california hate from the freepers

California, the Dumbass State.

Many love and worship the devil. they sit in a circle in the dark and burn a small candle and rock back and forth.

Yes unfortunately they can not only export liberals to other states like Colo and Texas, but the replacement “immigrants” make the state even more liberal than it was.

right on the money.California,dumbest state in the union.then comes New York.

Probably accurate. Remember, California is home to a third of the Nation’s welfare recipients. And that number is several years old, it is probably higher now.

What are the numbers without the illegals included?

What percent of the population of California is Mexican - or former Mexican?

It’s the Granola State! Why should anyone be surprised? Once you get past the fruits and nuts, there’s nothing left but flakes.

make sure yer kid doesn’t use any software, watch movies, or eat fruit