
Mickey Kaus Quits Daily Caller After Tucker Carlson Pulls Critical Fox News Column

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing3/17/2015 4:02:34 pm PDT

re: #53 Aunty Entity Dragon

Cathy’s blog is here

Her obsession with trans women is…well, maybe another lizard here can help me out with this, because I have no idea what the hell her malfunction is.

The only other person I have see with this kind of single minded, creepy stalkerish Ah hate teh trannies vibe is Rod Dreher…who is about as far away from radical feminism as you can get.

The extremes of either side end up looking just like each other.

I really don’t get this either. I mean, you’re not like me. OK. Fine. I’ll go about my life.

But to actively seek out info on someone you don’t even know just because they’re not like you. It’s CCJ-level shit. grrrrrr.