
'Revenge Porn' Caveman Gets 18 Years, Chuck C. Johnson Supports Him

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/04/2015 12:42:58 pm PDT

How crazy will the RWNJs get?

Here’s serious stone age superstition at World Nut Daily (via donotlink):
‘Mystic’ rabbi issues ominous warning on eve of blood moon

A rare alignment of four blood moons and a total solar eclipse unfolding during a Shemitah year and on biblical feast days, has a Jewish rabbi in Israel asking for special prayer.

And issuing an ominous warning.

Rabbi Amram Vaknin, described as a “mystic rabbi living in southern Israel,” is urging all Jews to pray and repent as the third Blood Moon of a tetrad cycle approaches, according to a report in Breaking Israel News.

Vaknin is not easily dismissed because he reportedly predicted the events of the Gaza flotilla and the Carmel forest fire in 2010, the Operations Pillar of Defense of 2012 and Protective Edge of 2014.

He warns that Israel is facing great judgment and potential danger at this time, according to the report.

The rabbi’s concerns have a lot to do with the number 44 and the current U.S. president.

One of Vaknin’s students, Gil Nachman, spoke to Breaking Israel News and, quoting the rabbi, explained that the numeric value of the Hebrew word for blood, dam, which is 44, alludes to the 44th president of the United States.

Of course it does.

These cretins apparently have no idea that “blood moons” can be predicted many thousands, perhaps millions, of years in advance.