
Hilarious: Dinesh D'Souza Falls for Fake Photo of Hillary Clinton With Confederate Flag

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)7/07/2015 11:25:44 am PDT

re: #43 Khal Wimpo

Christ on a cracker, how many things over the past 8 years have been darkly threatened to result in a civil war? Obamacare, raising taxes on the 1%, cutting the defense budget, the GM & Chrysler bailout … every damn week some wingnut is climbing atop a soapbox and screeching that if the damn lib’rals don’t back off, WE’RE GONNA START SHOOTING PEOPLE, GODDAMIT!!

But of course, the left wing is the violent, treasonous, “palling around with terrorists” people…

If you read history the entire 1840-50s was the southern politicians, especially the fire eaters, threatening to secede. And then they lost the 1860 presidential election and faced the possibility that the government would actually try to limit the expansion of slavery into the territories.

At which point, before the new President even took office, they flipped their lids and started a war which led to a lot of people being killed and their regional economy being devastated for decades. In addition to totally losing their institution then and there that they were willing to burn down a country to keep.

And, of course, all this was someone else’s fault.