
Details Emerge About San Bernardino Attackers

A Mom Anon12/03/2015 6:38:57 am PST

re: #9 Dark_Falcon

No it doesn’t “have” to be a part of the discussion. You know what EVERY SINGLE MASS SHOOTING has in common? Come on, guess……(theme song from Jeopardy….)….GUNS. The ease of getting them, the entire culture that drills into our heads that guns are a measure of bravery, a solution to problems. I do not want to hear shit about illegal guns either. Because you know what? No law stops all crimes. What laws do is set explicit consequences for serious actions. And it’s not just laws, there’s gun buy back programs (without the NRA whining about their precious guns being melted down and recycled, money which could then go into community policing programs), licensing and insurance requirements for gun owners, a national registry for all weapons, no more gun show or private sale loopholes, restricting the ability of domestic abusers and people on a terror watch list from having weapons, etc. There is no one simple solution, it’s a big problem requiring multiple solutions. It’s going to multiple things, consistently applied.