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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/17/2018 3:14:15 am PDT

We really shouldn’t be surprised that the NRA is now warning about witches…

The tarot revival thanks to Brexit, Trump and Dior


Tarot versus Trump

Ms Vogel credits Dior’s ethereal, tarot-inspired dresses with boosting the visibility of the centuries old practice across the world.

But she insists there are other reasons for tarot’s accelerating popularity.

“Our societies are going through an extreme sense of alienation,” says Ms Vogel, mentioning Donald Trump’s presidential victory in the US, as well as the rise of far-right groups, violence and misogyny.

“People are lonely and angry. Tarot helps them to cope with insecurity in these difficult times.”

Mike Sosteric, a sociologist at the University of Athabasca in Canada, agrees.


One example of this is the #MagicResistance movement. Every month, self-identifying witches gather to cast “mass spells” on Donald Trump, and use tarot to assist them in the task.
