
Seth Meyers: Congress Votes to Limit Trump's War Powers After His Iran Lies

lawhawk1/10/2020 6:04:52 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Trump continues to lie his ass off about the justifications for the raid on Suleimani. Pompeo and the rest of Trumpworld continue to abuse the definition of imminent and canā€™t even identify actions in weeks and months to come that they can attribute to Iran.

Hereā€™s the thing. Until Trump abrogated the Iran deal, Iran had been not only complying with the JCPOA, but no attacks on US forces could be attributed to Iran between the signing of the JCPOA and when Trump broke the deal and then slapped sanctions on Iran.

It was only after the sanctions and Trump breaking the deal that Iran began ramping up actions against Americans in the Middle East.

Thereā€™s absolutely no reason for Iran to re-enter a JCPOA type deal now when they see the asshat running the US and how Trump fawns over Jong Un for photo ops all while Jong Un has the time and space to build up its nuclear arsenal and missile tech. Now Iran sees that if they follow North Koreaā€™s approach, they can get the space and time to act - and thereā€™s nothing Trump can do once they go nuclear.